Thursday, October 14, 2010

the Playmobil TooBadPark

When I last posted, Caleb was sick. He couldn't get the little food that was in his body to stay there - in other words, he spewed.

When Caleb <I>thought</I> he felt better, we got a Ταξι (ξ=x). After zipping through one-lane streets, we arrived to what looked like a warehouse where buff men moved boxes.

And as soon as we exited the taxi, Caleb spewed.

We went around the warehouse, and on it's side there was a door which led to the elevator. It was on the second floor where we found the FunPark.

On our right, there was a store which had probably everything Playmobil makes. On our left was a large room filled with a boatload of toys. We started by touring the latter room, in which all the toys were categorized by subject, and there were several display cases:

1 comment:

  1. I hope Caleb feels better. I'm glad you and your dad were able to get to the museum.
