Monday, October 11, 2010

Χαίρετε, Kherete, and Hello!
We left Chicago at half past noon, and were in Atlanta two seconds later. Okay, it wasn't that short, but relative to the Atlanta-to-Athens flight it was teleportation. It was the shortest flight I've been on that I can remember, with the possible exception of Oahu-to-Maui.

After about thirty minutes at Atlanta (where they had these automatic trash sorting machines), we left the US.

After listening to a Language Creation Society podcast, I tried to go to no avail. It was impossible to drift off into Dreamland for the simple fact that in our society, we (usually) sleep by laying down, with our legs stretched straight. There were other interruptions, e.g. Someone fainting and the showing of the Karate Kyd. So I finally gave up, and as of now it is 1:00 and I have to stay awake until at least six.

But back to the story. When we landed, I was disappointed to find that under every Ελληκά was an English; I wouldn't be the necessary translator that I had envisioned being.

We took the μετρό (metro) to our hotel, and on the way we had an accordion player come down the aisle with a girl I assume to be his daughter carrying a jingly cup. His son came down with a much simpler tune on the same instrument.

When we got outt of the metro station, it got awesome! The roads were too narrow, all the buildings were old, and there were bast numbers of both vendors and pigeons. And to make it better, everyone spoke Ελληνικά.

The down side: Europeans may have some things better than us at the New World, but there is one thing we got that they dont: healthy lungs. There is smoking EVERYWHERE. It's annoying.

Thats all for now, so remember to pronounce 'kh' like a velar fricative, not like an uvular trill!
Goodbye, Ya Sas, and Για σας!

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